
Gear & Accessories

Not all productions are the same and equipment needs vary from project to project. Here is what Dan has available in his arsenal.

Rates and rental packages may vary.

Sony FS-700 Camera System

Sony F series cameras are the workhorses of the production industry. The FS-700 is a versatile system used in broadcasts sports, documentary and dramatic productions. This compact camera records beautiful HD images internally, with frame rates ranging from 1 frame per second to a max of 960 FPS. In combination with an external recorder it is also a highly effective 4K production camera.


Canon L Series Lenses & Metabones Adapter

Canon lenses are the most popular and widely used in the world. L series lenses are very durable and highly effective in low light and run & gun situations, With the use of a Metabones mount adapters, Canon lenses and Sony cameras make a dexterous combination that is adaptable to any shooting situation.


Atomos Shogun Inferno 4k recorder

Atomos is an industry leader in quality external recording options. Shogun Inferno 4k can record video in multiple frame rates and provide video codecs compatible with both Apple and Avid based post-production destinations. It is also an effective playback device. The Inferno records directly to solid state drives that can be easily transferred to any computer or storage device.

Lighting & audio packages also available. Contact Dan for all your production needs.